More on Perceptive Networks

Just to further expand upon the notion of a perceptive network (see previous post), the reality of this type of service could be close than your think. With current exploration in location-based services, this realm can be explored further from asocial standpoint. I think providing another example would help to clarifying the role of such perceptive networks.

Say you head out downtown for the weekend for the usual hanging out, shopping, dining, etc. You login to your perceptive network, which would then determine where you are by a GPS-enabled device. An hour later, the networks detects that your friend posted a tweet indicating he was at the bookstore perusing the arts section.

If you were nearby, the network would then send you a text alerting you of your friends proximity, where you could then reply to his tweet, or call him directly. Later that night, two of your friends who you had no idea were going to attend a show you have tickets for, updated their Facebook profile to talk about the band they were excited to see, of which gets picked up by your perceptive network and shared with you.

End the night with an update of where any of your friends might be out that night, and you have opportunities to connect with whomever your choose, moving from one encounter to the other, and navigating the city based on your social connections. This social-driven mobility is at the heart of perceptive networks, of which purpose is to provide users with sharing their experiences with those they know.

Imagine then the possibility of today’s social networks opening their back doors to more and more developers, such as Facebook Connect, and allows ways for marketers to reach users at the geo-local level and understand where they are and what they do to provide consumers with relevant tools and updates.

Taking all of this to a third degree, technologies such as TikiTag and Mir:ror also make sense in interacting with your perceptive network. If it’s late a night, and the group is out for a night on the town and now heading home, there’s always that slight chance that one’s wallet or key’s end up missing. So if Johnny left his keys at the bar, but hopefully his wallet is still in his back pocket (if not, I’m wondering how much the chap had to drink), your perceptive network would notice that one of the two objects that should be with you (or rather close to each other), has gone missing, and would notify you via text before you even noticed, which could be by the time you are at your front door.

Perceptive networks, then, are just that – networks created through objects tagged with RFIDs, online networks, mobile devices and SPIMES providing geotility, and other personal digital information, which perceive where you, your friends, and important objects are at any point in time, and what they are doing/located in relation to other objects.

Bear in mind, that those who are part of your social network who also have their own perceptual network will make it easier for your own network to know where they are, so long as you and that person have opted to connect each other’s network (but interactions among different perceptive networks is another story to be continued…)
