Previously, I posted on the idea of interactions among perceptive networks. The example referred to services such as Twones and Tony Player which have combined to provide dance club audiences with the creation of playlists in real-time. I also alluded to the concept of the creation of a group perceptive network, allowing audiences to interact with each other as the result of sharing, in this case, their taste in music.
These types of interactions that are beginning to emerge as the result of innovation has brought about new behaviors, which are enhanced through digital media. The first, is something I refer to as Collective Streaming.
Collective streaming occurs when participants provide personal data to create something completely new in real-time, which then becomes public for others to see. Examples of this include over-referenced Nike+ or the more recent Human Race, also by Nike. In the case of Twones, users rely on the service to display their usernames and photos next to the song being shown on-screen. What then results is recognition, which people usually admire :)
These types of interactions that are beginning to emerge as the result of innovation has brought about new behaviors, which are enhanced through digital media. The first, is something I refer to as Collective Streaming.
Collective streaming occurs when participants provide personal data to create something completely new in real-time, which then becomes public for others to see. Examples of this include over-referenced Nike+ or the more recent Human Race, also by Nike. In the case of Twones, users rely on the service to display their usernames and photos next to the song being shown on-screen. What then results is recognition, which people usually admire :)
Remembering that the example is the result of a social, local, and physical experience, what also occurs simultaneously is a second behavior similar to the first, know as Collective Personalization. This notion of a collective and personalized experience comes only from the participation of others, and one that would otherwise not be the same were it not for the contribution of the crowd.
Equally interesting is a third behavior, which I refer to as Connected Socialization Through Proximity. Because of location-based services that alert the resident DJ that a Twones member has arrived, soon, that user will have the opportunity to engage with others through the service, which then provides a new social context as the result of people being in the same location, but interacting through the on-screen system in a live environment, or even perhaps on a more personal level through mobile devices and newly created social networks.
The glue for all this of course is a perceptive network that can connect people and allow them to communicate with others and the physical objects they own, regardless of what services they are using. And while the concept of a perceptive network may seem a bit vague or theoretical at best, I’d argue that now that we have begun to talk about the Internet of Things being made of innovations such as RFID technology and augmented reality, then Perceptual networks will come about from the adoption of OpenID, OAuth, and location-based services.

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